No matter what part of the country you are in or the world for that matter, education is crucial. Virginia Beach has an excellent history on education. They also have great statistics to back it all up when it comes to its educational system. According to those stats, 89% of high school graduates in the state of Virginia go on to higher education. They have a comprehensive and blossoming educational network which sets it apart from other states.

The educational system in Virginia Beach is the second largest in the entire state. Coincidentally, they are one of the largest in all 50 states as well. The data is based on the number of student enrollment. The public schools in Virginia Beach presently serves around 70K plus students. All together, there are about ninety schools. The goal of the superior public school system is to prepare students for the future. They can all be better prepared and reach a higher degree of success as workers, citizens and members of society.

When it comes to SAT, the Virginia Beach City Public Schools outperformed the region and nation. In addition, they managed to have the lowest dropout rates. Plus, the highest cohort-based graduation rates in the division. VBCPS has also been highly acclaimed for earning accreditation for full state Standards of Learning or SOL. These honors were achieved for the 2017-18 school year.

The VBCPS has several academic choices that they provide to all of their students. Some are advanced academic programs which are among the best in the region and state. They also have school-within-a-school academies programs. The Hampton Roads and Virginia Beach region offer post-secondary options for students as well.

Other options on education for residents of Virginia Beach include private institutions. These specialize in numerous areas for non-traditional and traditional students. Combined together with the VBCPS, they render additional options for citizens and students of the state.